Oh me, oh my! We are so excited. Can you tell? So many exclamation marks and lots of jumping up and down in the Allegro Studio. Why? We were just selected as finalists in the Wedding Channel’s blog awards. We are up for both the Best Wedding Photography Blog.


Amazing. There were over 200 nominations. And we’re in the top 5 for Wedding Photography Blogs. Now it’s your chance to add your vote to the mix. You don’t need to sign up- the first vote literally takes 5 seconds. And they actually encourage you to vote multiple times.

So go on… you know you want to.

Click the mouse here and show your love for Allegro Photography. Voting ends on July 21. So don’t delay.

And then, go on back and do it again…. and again…. and just for the heck of it vote a few more times.

And feel free to spread the love and encourage friends and family to vote as well. The more the merrier!

Click here, scroll down, vote Allegro Photography, and click submit for Best Wedding Photography Blog!

Thank you so much for your support! Okay, I promise I will calm down.