What did I love about shooting Krista and Andy? There were tons of things. But here are the top 5.

 5. They were always positive and upbeat, even with that frigid Golden Gate wind whipping through them. Check out Krista’s hair caught by the breeze.


krista-and-andy-wedding-Krista and Andy - Fort Point - Windy View


4. Krista has great expressions- varied and fun. They tell so much about her personality.


3. Andy and Krista were completely relaxed with us and in front of the camera. This is one of their first shots. No warm-up needed.


2. We’re brothers. Yes, I said brothers. All three of us are members of Alpha Phi Omega, a co-ed national service fraternity. They actually met through the group.


NUMBER 1 REASON- They are clearly so in love even after, or perhaps especially after, being together for 6 and a half years.